Anastasia 453221

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30 years
Hello to everyone! I'd like to start from defining the word that is in the main phrase of this event "beauty contest". What is beauty? I believe that this is not only external aesthetic perfection. This is something more. "Beauty is a big power" - and it's true, because it is not only tangible, it can be felt - just a real magic. Our soul can also see! If a person carries evil and unkind intentions in himself, he will never be perceived by me as beautiful. Girls can possess gorgeous and correct facial features by all standards of fashion, impeccable appearance, and have an excellent style, but this is not enough, this ideal is perceived by people only for the first seconds before your dialogue and acquaintance begin, all the rest of the time after the phrase “Hello” the interlocutor begins to study another beauty, more important for further communication than an ideal face. Children play with dolls, they do not communicate with them. So it is in adulthood. One of my goals of participating in the beauty contest is to write the best essay in which everyone reading it will think of themselves as a “doll” and ask to themselves the question: “How many percent is my doll alive?”, is your inner world beautiful enough , to look at yourself from the inside. It is a pity there is no mirror to reflect the human soul in it. The second reason why I take part in the beauty contest is in the keyword - the competition. Contest is competition. Each girl has a competitive spirit. Do not deny this, it is in our blood, in the head at a subconscious level. My competitive spirit is in sleep mode, so I decided to cheer up a bit and try to use everything that God gave me ( in this case beauty) and not to sit around on the bench, but transfer to the front rows and be in the spotlight. We lead an active lifestyle, build relationships and make friends, look for an interesting hobby, pay special attention to our appearance, watch motivating videos and read books. This forms our personality, helps to gain confidence and adequate self-esteem, because adequate self-esteem significantly facilitates life and allows you to realize it to the full. For me, this competition is the very move to maintain confidence in tone. Girls, we were born to decorate this world, to please the eye, to make men stronger and more purposeful. And this means that beauty lives in each of us. You just need to love yourself and the world will love you.

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